To realise the truth you must follow the way towards the spirit. This is not possible without a guru ie a guide or a mentor.

“Shree Shree Babaji is an avadhoot, a kalandar, a fakir who searched to find a way towards understanding the meaning of the Spirit. He has developed his own way to reach the Sublime Spirit. For Babaji, the spiritual quest and inner traveling is the goal to self-discovery. He connects people to their inner selves thus empowering them. His way is a journey of the seekers to approach the inward reality. He teaches to celebrate life as the sublime wanted us to be.

Babaji’s order does not have established ceremonies or a specific way of dressing, except for on certain occasions. We always think and talk about love, peace, friendship and kindness. We are free in our individual lives. We have the answer to the most important question that humans ask. What is my purpose? We know what we want, how beautiful life is. Our actions and beliefs are in harmony with each other and we practice what we say. We seek the truth with the guidance of Babaji on a path of love, compassion, equality, friendship and freedom.

Our order is neither inherited nor do we convert people. One is free to follow his own faith. The only pre-requsite is a heart full of love and the zeal to serve others. If you want to be a part of us you are required to visit Babaji. If he decides that you have arrived at a point of certainty, then you automatically become the circle of brotherhood. Those accepted as part of our congregation are free in their social activities and in their decision-making. As a free-spirited individual our aim in life is to achieve love, peace, freedom, calmness and security. We are needed to manage our own life in step with divine intentions, peace and enlightenment.

We are a tight-knit community that enables us to respond to the needs of our fellow brother. As Babaji’s followers we never question or criticize his teachings and compare his leadership. Being a a part of Babaji’s order is a matter of heart. We love babaji and visit him because he is our teacher and guide. Shree Shree Babaji’s teachings demand us followers to love every living being, and service to all souls — hence Sarvatma Seva. You must have unconditional love to be a part of Babaji’s order.”

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